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On the 7 February in Cuauhtémoc in northern Mexico, hundreds of yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) were caught on video falling from the sky. This mysterious event surprised and stupified Cuauhtémoc´s residents. However, birds falling from the sky on mass events have been reported on numerous


We started a new service related to PIGEON GENETICS in our LABORATORY. For this reason, from now on, we will be incorporating brief articles on topics related to pigeons, and pigeon genetics.   Pigeon Genetics   Pigeons, like most animals, inherit characteristics from their parents, this is due to


Terms and conditions of the promotion The present promotion of 10 DNA bird sexing (hereinafter: "promotion") is the responsibility of sexadodeaves.com. The participation by the users implies the implicit acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions ("TyC"). Legal conditions The participation information combined with the Sexual Privacy Policy


The Three-eyed Raven of Game of Thrones Watch out! If you have not seen the last chapter of Game of Thrones yet, be careful! In this article, I will tell you more than a spoiler about the figure of the three-eyed raven. In today's article for Sexadodeaves.com, we